Hobie Henderson to be presented with a Lifetime Certificate by Right Worshipful Jim Rumsey at our February 13th, 2020 stated meeting. This accomplishment takes time and dedication. The certificate states that Hobie has been proficient with the esoteric work of the blue lodge for over twenty-five years. It also means that Hobie will no longer have to prove his proficiency on an annual basis. This is a great accomplishment and we should all try to make our next stated meeting to see him presented with this honor.

Right Worshipful Jim Rumsey will be making the presentation. Mr Rumsey is a member of the esoteric work committee at the Grand Lodge of Texas. He has served for several years. He holds Forums and Exams to help the craft stay better educated and well-informed. His calendar is packed with travel all over North Central and Northeast Texas. You can see his calendar here.
